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C Programming - 1. Intro

Hi Everyone, In this series, we will be learning C Programming.


What is Programming actually?

Programming is the most amazing thing in this modern era. Programming is the way to teach the dummy computer what to do because a computer only understands 1's and 0's nothing else.

And the combination of a 1's and 0's make a binary number, we all know that.

Example: 1001000 1000101 1001100 1001100 1001111

Now, what this binary code says?

It says "HELLO" 😮.

It's cool right. One day I will teach you how to do this, then you can encoded cool messages or you can use it to propose someone 😉.

Anyway, Now you can wonder what the heck is that I can play games like Far Cry 4 or Witcher 3 that seems pretty Advanced.

OK, thanks to those programmers who find a way to do all those great things by the dummy computer. But, remember not only the games, think about your Android or iOS device, how cool is that. And the social networks like Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat they are all fruits of the big tree named Programming.

In 1843, Ada Lovelance published an algorithm to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers, intended to be carried by Charles Babbage's analytical engine. This is considered as the first computer program. She(Ada Lovelance) was an English mathematician and writer.

If you want to find out more about her go to this link:

After that, in these many years programming has developed a lot. So, many programming languages have come like C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby

But, we will be learning C
And, in my personal opinion C is a better language to start with.

There are more reasons, to begin with, C programming, first like-

  • For improving problem-solving skill, C is always a better choice. 
  • After learning C, C like languages will be easier for you. for example C++, C#, Java
  •  When core programming is involved then C is better than anyone.
  •  C is often called mother language of programming.


What is C programming language?

C programming is a general-purpose programming language, supporting structural programming and recursion.

In 1972 Dennis Ritchie first introduced C programming Language to the world.

Yeah, now you can say that it is too old. Despite being too old C language is highly efficient and cross-platform supported.

For this reason, it is widely used in  application development and for fields like system programming and socket programming C is the first choice of programmers

If you want to find more about C Programming go to this link:


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